・サイズ 65.2×53.0cm
・素材 墨、顔料、水干、木パネル
・制作年 2020




ーfeebee ※観察者効果・・・見られていると意識した時に行動が変化する現象

I see the world as a “circulating” phenomenon and wonder what we could do to pass down a good flow to the next generation.
In Observer Effect*-Hakutakuyama- I portrayed the divine beast, Hakutaku, as the observer of the world and a symbol of multifaceted perspective and thinking.
Cycle of Transformation is a series that was inspired by the late-Edo ukiyo-e painting, A Beast Known as Kotobuki, by Tonamisai Shigemitsu.

ーfeebee *Observer Effect: Phenomenon of changing behavior when being watched


2019年「共生」(Gallery MUMON / 東京)、2020年「公平な観察者」(Kiyoshi Art Space / 東京)、「変化しつつ循環するもの」(六本木ヒルズA/Dギャラリー / 東京)など個展多数。
2018年「Outsider Art Fair」(パリ)、2019年「アートフェア東京」、「Art Central」(香港)、「Art Beijing」(北京)、2019年、2020年、2021年「鸞翔鳳集」(Gallery MUMON / 東京)、2020年「十人十色」(Kiyoshi Art Space / 東京)などアートフェアやグループ展に多数参加。

Born in Kanagawa.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including “Symbiosis” at Gallery MUMON / Tokyo in  2019; “Impartial Observer” at Kiyoshi Art Space / Tokyo, “Cycle of Transformation” at  Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery / Tokyo in 2020.
Participated in various group exhibitions and art fairs including “Outsider Art Fair” in Paris in 2018; “Art Fair Tokyo,” “Art Central” in  Hong Kong, “Art Beijing” in 2019; “Ran-Syou-Hou-Syuu” at Gallery MUMON / Tokyo in 2019, 2020, 2021; “Jyunin-toiro” at Kiyoshi Art Space / Tokyo in 2020.

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