・サイズ 31.2×22.7cm
・素材 紙に墨、天然顔料、水干
・制作年 2020


掲載作品の《観察者#05》のモティーフは、中国の神獣「白沢」で、 人語を解し万物に精通するとされる存在です。
江戸時代後期の浮世絵師、遠浪斎重光の作品《寿という獣》に 着想を得ており、十二支で1匹の獣が12の姿に変化する様子を描くことで「変化しつつ循環する世界」を表現することを試みています。

I mostly depict creatures from myths.
I think it is meaningful for me as a modern person to reinterpret mythical creatures through art, because they are created to help explain the world of the unknown which contains the mentality and social structures of humans at that time.
The subject of “Observer #05” is the Chinese mythical creature Bai Ze.
This creature understood speech and was thoroughly versed in all things.
He had 9 eyes, and in my work, he represents multifaceted viewpoints and is a world observer.
The woodblock print “The Beast Known as Kotobuki -Rat-” is 1 in a series of 12 prints. Based conceptually on “Auspicious Beast” by late Edo Period ukiyoe artist Enrosai Shigemitsu, I depicted the transformations of one Chinese zodiac creature into 12 forms to symbolize “the revolving world.”


2019年「共生」(Gallery MUMON / 東京)、2020年 「公平な観察者」(Kiyoshi Art Space / 東京)など個展開催。
2015年「TENGAI2.0」(六本木ヒルズ A/Dギャラリー / 東京)、 2016年「TENGAI3.0」(hpgrp GALLERY / ニューヨーク)、 2017年「蒐集衆商」(東京)、 2018年「XENOLITH」(Galerie LJ / パリ)、 「Outsider Art Fair」(パリ)、2019年「Art Central」(香港)、 「Art Beijing」(北京)、「アートフェア東京」など アートフェアやグループ展に多数参加。

Born in Kanagawa.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including “Symbiosis” at Gallery MUMON / Tokyo in 2019, “Impartial Observer” at Kiyoshi Art Space / Tokyo in 2020.
Participated in various group exhibitions and art fairs including “TENGAI2.0” at Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery / Tokyo in 2015, “TENGAI3.0” at hpgrp GALLERY / NY in 2016, “Selected Art Fair” in Tokyo in 2017, “XENOLITH” at Galerie LJ / Paris, “Outsider Art Fair” in Paris in 2018, “Art Central” in Hong Kong, “Art Fair Tokyo” in 2019.

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