1943 年奈良県生まれ。
文化庁昭和52 年度第11回新進芸術家在外研修員に選ばれ渡欧。
2009 年より毎日新聞社主催で「絹谷幸二賞」が設立される。
2016年梅田スカイビルタワーウエスト27階に最新型ミュージアム「絹谷幸二 天空美術館」が開館。
1966 年度大橋賞、第34 回独立賞、第17 回安井賞、第57 回日本藝術院賞など受賞多数。
Born in Nara in 1943.
Completed the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Arts.
Entered to the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and studied fresco painting techniques. Selected as a trainee for 1977 Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists. Selected as one of the official poster artists of the Olympic Winter Games, Nagano 1998.
Established Koji Kinutani Prize sponsored by Mainichi Dokuritsu Prize.
The state-of the-art Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum was founded on the 27th floor of Umeda Sky Building, Osaka in 2016.
Won many prizes including Ohashi Prize and Dokuritsu Prize in 1966, Yasui Prize in 1974 and Japan Art Academy Prize in 2001.
Person of Cultural Merit.
Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University of the Arts.
Member of the Japan Art Academy and the Dokuritsu Art Association.