1. 作品販売

  2. プロデュース

  3. アート支援

  4. 地方創生

  1. 国内大型書店

  2. ミュージアムショップ

  3. 空港

  4. 豪華客船

  5. ホテル

  6. ライブラリー

  7. セインズベリー日本藝術研究所

  8. ジャパン・ソサエティー

横浜トリエンナーレ、ミラノトリエンナーレ 建築模型展ほか国際展多数参加。
ADA Award 最優秀賞、ディスプレイ産業大賞経済産業大臣賞、デダロミノッセ国際賞特別賞ほか受賞多数。

Born in Tokyo in 1960.
Graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture.
After working at Taisei Corporation Design Headquarters, opened "Marda Atelier Architects & associates" in 1990.
Participated in many international exhibitions, including Yokohama Triennale and Milan Triennale.
Received ADA Award Grand Prize, Display Industry Grand Prize Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award, Dedalo Minosse International Prize Special Award and many other awards.
Contributed many papers.
Specializes in Zen architecture theory, organic architecture system, and urban research in the depopulation period.
Past guest prof. at Kyoto Seika University.
Currently teaching in the Dept. of Life Design at Yasuda Women's University.

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