1. 作品販売

  2. プロデュース

  3. アート支援

  4. 地方創生

  1. 国内大型書店

  2. ミュージアムショップ

  3. 空港

  4. 豪華客船

  5. ホテル

  6. ライブラリー

  7. セインズベリー日本藝術研究所

  8. ジャパン・ソサエティー

海外では、NYのSVAギャラリーにて「VOICE OF SITE」展、ハワイ大学美術館にて「環境と美術」展、北京 中央美術学院美術館にて「紙非紙」展開催ほか、日本ではコバヤシ画廊、表参道ギャラリーほかにて個展多数。

Born in Nagano in 1953.
Obtained Doctor of Fine Arts in painting from the Tokyo University of the Arts.
Selected as the Overseas Research Fellowships by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and stayed in US in order to inquire about the new possibility of the environmental art installation of the United States and Europe.
Participated to Paris Biennale in 1982 and to various group exhibitions worldwide.
Held solo exhibition ‘VOICE OF SITE’ in SVA Gallery in NY, ‘Art and Environment’ at the Museum of University of Hawaii, ‘Paper Anti Paper’ at China Central Academy of Fine Arts and in many galleries in Japan such as Gallery Kobayashi and Gallery Omotesando, Tokyo. Trustee, Vice President, Professor of Tokyo University of the Arts.
