主なプロデュースとして、アントニオ・ガウディ展(1978-1979)、子どものための版画展(1980-1982)、アパルトヘイト否! 国際美術展(1988-1990)等。
2000年にスタートした大地の芸術祭越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ(第7回オーライ! ニッポン大賞グランプリ〔内閣総理大臣賞〕他受賞)、水都大阪2009、にいがた水と土の芸術祭2009、瀬戸内国際芸術祭2010、2013(海洋立国推進功労者表彰受賞)等のディレクターを務める。
現在、(株)アートフロントギャラリー主催、公益財団法人福武財団常任理事、青山学院大学・香川大学・神戸芸術工科大学他客員教授、(財)地域創造顧問 等。

Born in Niigata Pref. in 1946.
Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
He has been responsible for a wide range of art projects such as the 1978 Antoni Gaudi exhibition and the Apartheid Non! International Art Festival.
He has received high praise for his involvement in activities relating to community development, such as his lead role in the planning of the Faret Tachikawa Art Project and the Cultural activities he oversees at the Daikanyama Hillside Terrace, for which he was awarded the Mécénat Grand Prix.
He served as the general director of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale in 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, and 2012, and has made a major contribution to the development of the region through art.
He has also served as the general director of the Setiuchi Triennale since 2010.
He is the recipient of many awards, including the Order des Arts et des Letters from the French Republic, the Order of Culture from the Republic of Poland, the 2006 Japanese Education Minister's Award for Art (in the field of art promotion), and the Order of Australia: Honorary Member (AO) in the General Division (2012). Chairman, Art Front Gallery Co.,Ltd.



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