・サイズ 18.0×18.0cm
・素材 絹本着彩
・制作年 2020


世の中のありとあらゆる目に見えないものの力や現象を、 絵絹に日本画の絵の具で着彩する絹絵作品として表現しています。
八百万の神に象徴されるように、超自然的な現象を擬人化する 日本人の考え方や精神を踏まえながら、我が国に古来より 伝承される神々や妖怪などを描いています。

I make silk paintings with nihonga pigments that depict the power and phenomena of things invisible to the eye.
I paint the gods and creatures from old Japan in an exploration of the spirit of people who anthropomorphized supernatural phenomena.
To make these motifs more identifiable to the viewer, I imbue the works with empathy and the kind of charm that invites a laugh.
I also paint things like fantasy animals, humans, plants, and sceneries.
I like an antique-feel reminiscent of old Japanese artmaking techniques, ink washes, and old Chinese painting, and I often paint atop a surface that I have purposefully stained to exude the weightiness and depth that comes with time.
I often investigate sixth-sense accounts and collect old folklore stories, and instill them in my paintings.


2018年、2019年「アートフェア東京」、2019年「平成の富嶽三十四景」(西武池袋本店 / 東京)、「藝大もののけ祭り 百鬼夜行展」(藝大アートプラザ / 東京)など多数参加。ファッションブランド「STRAWBERRY-FIELDS」など企業とのコラボレーション。

Born in Tokyo in 1990.
Tokyo University of the Arts and Music, M.A, Design in 2015.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including “Shiki Taira” at Seibu Ikebukuro / Tokyo in 2018.
Participated to various group exhibitions and Art Fair including “Art Fair Tokyo” in 2018 and 2019, “Thirty-four Views of Mount Fuji of Heisei” at Seibu Ikebukuro / Tokyo, “Hyakki Yagyo” at Geidai Art Plaza / Tokyo in 2019.
Collaborated with fashion brand “STRAWBERRY-FIELDS.”

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