・サイズ 39.4×50.9cm (w/ frame)
・素材  銅版画 (メゾチント)
・制作年 2017
・価格  Ask



From childhood, the world of pictures and stories was close to me, and I picked up and drew only those things that I liked and pleased me.
Before I knew it, my sketchbook contained more and more fragments of marvelous creatures, weird objects, and fictitious plants, inhabiting a world that I myself had never foreseen.
My works pair matière with depth unique to copperplate engraving and monochrome prints imbued with warmth and moisture.
I feel that this combination better enables dialogue with viewers at a comfortable distance.
I strive to shed light on the landscapes sought by the depths of my soul as I continue making engravings on my desk, day after day.
In my works, I aim to create space for relaxing or exciting the mind while freely fantasizing.


2019年「第19回銅夢版画展」(シロタ画廊 / 東京)、 「国際メゾチントフェスティバル」(エカテリンブルク美術館 / ロシア)、2020年「アトリエから~いまアートにできること~」「藝大の猫展」(藝大アートプラザ / 東京)、「リトル・モンスター ~愛しき者たち」(不忍画廊 / 東京)、「アートフェア東京」 などグループ展やアートフェアに多数参加。

Born in Kanagawa in 1985.
Tokyo University of the Arts and Music, M.A, Printmaking Department in 2014.
Held solo exhibitions at Shinseido Gallery / Tokyo in 2009, 2012, Gallery Tomura / Tokyo in 2018.
Participated to various group exhibitions and art fairs including “19th Doumu Print Art Exhibition” at Shirota Gallery / Tokyo, “International Mezzotint Festival” at Yekaterinburg Museum / Russian in 2019, “From Studio-What Art can do now,” “Geidai Cat Exhibition” at Geidai Art Plaza / Tokyo, “little monster” at Shinobazu Gallery / Tokyo, “Art Fair Tokyo” in 2020.
Designed the CD Jacket of “Namu Odori.”

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