・サイズ 8.5×21.5×8.5cm
・素材  ケント紙、海外雑誌 (LIFE)
・制作年 2010
・価格  ¥200,000+tax


その“記憶”を、当時の記録や資料を基に 具現化することによって、そこに眠っていた記憶を“記録”として 補完することが可能になります。
それをARTという、なんらかの意味やメッセージを 内包させることのできる表現手段により形に起こすことは、社会的にも意味があると感じ、制作に取り組んでいます。

The theme I work with is “documenting memories” through text in the print medium, including mainly newspapers and magazines.
I believe the things which exist in this world are imbued with the era in which those things existed, history, and the memories of people.
By materializing these “memories” based on recordings and materials of the time, it is possible to supplement dormant memories as “recordings.”
I feel there is meaning for society in giving form to these phenomena through what we call art, which is to say, the creating of a form through a method of expression that contains some sort of meaning or message.
And I incorporate that in my work. I also believe that using materials and documentation from the era of the subject matter is an extremely important element to my creation process, and I thusly use them in creating art.


2014年「記憶-Kioku-」(Ouchi Gallery / ニューヨーク)、2016年 「醜美ノ記憶」(Lower Akihabara / 東京)、2019年「足立篤史展」 (東急プラザ銀座 / 東京)、「archive」(阪急メンズ東京)など個展多数。

Born in Kanagawa in 1988.
Graduated from the Department of Sculpture, Tokyo Zokei University in 2014.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including “Remembrance -Kioku-” at Ouchi Gallery / NY in 2014, “Beauty of Ugliness” at Lower Akihabara / Tokyo in 2016, “Atsushi Adachi” at Tokyu Plaza Ginza / Tokyo, “archive” at Hankyu Men’s Tokyo in 2019.
Participated to various group exhibitions and art fairs including “Kamigami -Paper is a God-” at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in 2016.
Received Zokei Award at the Tokyo Zokei University Graduate research Graduate Exhibition in 2014.
Accepted to the 18th Exhibition of the Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art.

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