・サイズ 16.5×29.0×11.0cm
・素材 大理石
・制作年 2020


幼いころ茂みの奥で見つけたニホントカゲの存在に心を奪われ、 以来、爬虫類やドラゴンなど「幻の存在」である幻獣の絵を描く 日常を過ごしました。
その後石彫と出会った私は、神秘的で 強い存在感を持つ大理石に、幻の存在を表現する 素材としての強い親和性を感じ、大理石彫刻家となりました。
このシリーズでは、さまざまな色の 大理石を用いた蛇の彫刻を随時アーカイブしています。

A lizard I found in the bush as a child stole my heart away.
Ever since, I have drawn reptiles and fantasy beasts like dragons.
I then discovered stone carving and fell in love with marble as a material perfect for depicting fantasy creatures, with its mysteriousness and strength.
So, I became a marble sculptor. Last year, I exceeded 30 works in my ball python sculpture series “PythonSeries,” done partially as practice for depicting fantasy creatures.
Therein, I have archived sculptures of snakes in many colors of marble.
I also want to explore work using living creatures to express “surface / underside,” “ideal / reality,” and “the strangeness, complexity, and beauty of sending / receiving emotions” that I feel in life.
Maybe I just want to give form to the fantasy creatures in my mind.

佐野 藍

2017年「INNOCENT」(Gallery花影抄/ 東京)、2018年「獣神達の昼さがりZOOMORPHIC SLUMBER」(Gallery花影抄/東京)など個展多数。
2017~2019年「特別展 驚異の超絶技巧!明治工芸から現代アートへ」全国5つの美術館を巡回。

Born in Tokyo in 1989.
Tokyo University of the Arts and Music, M.A, Fine Art Sculpture in 2016.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including “INNOCENT” at Gallery Hanakagesho / Tokyo in 2017.
Participated in various group exhibitions and art fairs including “Amazing Craftsmanship! From Meiji Kogei to Contemporary Art,” (Circulated five museums), “Tokyo Art Fair” at Gallery Hanakagesho Booth in 2019.
Her work is owned by The Tokyo University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts and Oita Prefectural Art Museum. Designed the book-cover of “The thing called Moon Shadow.”

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