・サイズ 18.0×16.0×15.0cm
・素材 テラコッタ、彩色、玉眼
・制作年 2019


自然科学を考察し、 生命感を最大限に引き出すための 造形を模索しながら動物彫刻を制作しております。
失われてしまうであろう動物たちを 形に残していくことに対し、彫刻家としての使命を感じずにはいられません。

With an eye on the natural sciences, I produce animal sculptures in a quest for creative forms that fully express the quintessential vitality of life.
Terracotta (earthenware) made from unglazed baked clay is a medium that displays your own finger touch and creative process directly on its surface and it gives a sense of vivacity to its work.
And for the eyes of my work, I have incorporated the gyokugan technique traditionally used in wooden Buddhist sculptures.
It is said that within one hundred years from now, half of the species on the earth may die out through destruction of the biosphere by humankind.
The process of leaving physical evidence behind of animals that may very well be lost forever in the future is something I cannot help but feel a strong obligation to as a sculptor.

瀬戸 優

2018年「月を知る」(四季彩舎/東京) 2019年「ドローイング展」(四季彩舎/ 東京)など個展多数。
2019年「アートフェア東京」、「アート台北」(台湾)など多数参加。 ファッションブランド「FRAPBOIS」とコラボレーション。
2015年藝大アーツイン丸の内賞、2016年観◯光賞第二席、2017年KENZAN roidworksgallery賞、2020年東京医科歯科大学奨励賞など受賞多数。

Born in Kanagawa in 1994.
Tokyo University of the Arts and Music, M.A, Fine Art Sculpture in 2020.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including “To know the moon” at Shikisaisha Gallery / Tokyo in 2018, “Drawing Exhibition” at Shikisaisha Gallery / Tokyo in 2019.
Participated in various group exhibitions and art fairs including “Tokyo Art Fair,” “ART TAIPEI” in Taiwan in 2019.
Collaborated with fashion brand “FRAPBOIS.”
Won many prizes including the encouragement prize of Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 2020.

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