・サイズ 45.0×60.0cm
・素材  コットンペーパー、ピグメントプリント
・制作年 2011
・価格  ¥140,000+tax


水と光と多様な生命体が 織り成す美しい水の中の世界は、同時に人の中にある「死」への恐怖を表面化させる。


The experience of seeing the world under the sea when I went scuba-diving made me become aware of life and death.
The beautiful world under the water, which is interwoven with light and various life forms, at the same time unveils our fear of death.
Our attachment to life is revealed by being deprived of the crucial ability to breathe.
The BREATH series expresses life and beauty of humans that is exposed in a back-to-back situation with death.

ーTomohide IKEYA


2016年「Wave」( Gallery Kogure / ニューヨーク)、「Breath」(富山市ガラス美術館)、2018年「Breath」(Micheko Galerie / ミュンヘン)、2019年「水蛇龍」(tokyoarts gallery)など個展多数。
2018年「人像展」(Emon Photo Gallery / 東京)、「Fine Line」(Sansiao Gallery HK / 香港)、2019年「Japanese Nudes」(シーボルト ハウス / オランダ)などグループ展やアートフェアに多数参加。
「International Photography Awards 2007」Self-promotion部門1st place、「International Photography Awards 2009」 Other部門1st placeなど受賞多数。

Born in Kanagawa in 1974.
Graduated from Tokyo College of Photography.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including “Wave” in Gallery Kogure / NY, “Breath” in Toyama Glass Art Museum in 2016; “Breath” in Micheko Galerie / Munich in 2018; “Suijyaryu” in tokyoarts gallery in 2019.
Participated in various group exhibitions and art fairs including “Jin-Zo” in Emon Photo Gallery / Tokyo, “Fine Line” in Sansiao Gallery HK / Hong Kong in 2018; “Japanese Nudes” in Japanmuseum SieboldHuis / Netherlands in 2019.
Won many prize including 1st place in Self-promotion at International Photography Awards 2007; 1st place in Other at International Photography Awards 2009.

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