ケンブリッジ大学博士号取得。日本の先史時代考古学を専門とし、日本、英国をはじめ世界中で考古学調査を行う一方、英国の行政機関で考古遺産の管理業務に携わる。東アジア・ヨーロッパ考古学の様々な局面について教鞭をとる。主な著書に大英博物館で開催された画期的な土偶展の図録『The Power of Dogu: ceramic figures from ancient Japan』など。セインズベリー日本藝術研究所の統括役所長及び考古・文化遺産学センター長、イースト・アングリア大学日本学センター長、大英博物館アジア部門日本課研究員。
Obtained MA Cantab, PhD (2004). Specializes in the prehistory of Japan. He has undertaken archaeological research in Japan, the UK and elsewhere and worked for several years in archaeological heritage management in the UK. He has taught and published on many aspects of East Asian and European archaeology. Published many books including The Power of Dogu: ceramic figures from ancient Japan, which accompanied a major exhibition at the British Museum. Executive Director and Head of the Centre for Archaeology and Heritage at the Sainsbury Institute. Director of the Centre for Japanese Studies at the University of East Anglia. Research Fellow in the Japanese Section, Department of Asia, The British Museum.