・サイズ 72.7×72.7cm
・素材  紙本彩色
・制作年 2019
・価格  ¥650,000+tax




I tend to mostly depict women and children, and many mother-child images.
Through the human form, my goal is to capture the things that cannot be seen by the eye but nevertheless are important, such as feelings about precious things in life and the miracle of life.
I feel a precious love for the childhood days everyone experiences and the time spent with mother and family.
These days are particularly precious because they go by in a blink of the eye.
And through the act of painting, I rediscover fragments of forgotten memories and remember that I am not alone.
Poet Misuzu Kaneko’s words, “The first poems were prayers to God,” have resided in my heart for many years.
And I believe the same is true for the first paintings.
When I paint something precious, I feel as if I am praying.


2009年以降粟津画廊で3回(東京)、2010年「レスポワール展」(銀座スルガ台画廊 / 東京)など個展多数。
2016年「第4回郷さくら美術館 桜花賞展」(東京)、2019年「子どもへのまなざし」(東京都美術館)などグループ展に多数参加。

Born in Tokyo in 1977.
Withdrew from the doctoral program after fulfilling the credit requirements at the Graduate School of Hiroshima City University Graduate School of Arts in 2008.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including at Awazu Gallery / Tokyo, three times after 2009, “L’espoir” at Ginza Surugadai Gallery / Tokyo in 2010.
Participated to various group exhibitions including “Sato Sakura Museum-the 4th Sakura Award Exhibition” in Tokyo in 2016, “Artists Look at Children” at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in 2019.
Accepted 12 times for Inten Exhibition of spring after 2004, also 13 times for Inten Exhibition after 2006.
Won Encouragement Prize at 70th Inten Exhibition of spring.

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