・サイズ 41.0×31.8cm
・素材  パネル、油彩
・制作年 2020
・価格  ¥150,000+tax


厳しい時代の中で葛藤を抱えながらも強く生きようとする女性、美しくありたいと願いながらも自分の中にある愚かさや滑稽さと対面したとき、 美しいだけではいられないことにため息をつく。
それでも次の世代につなぐべきものがあると信じて 生き続ける女性像を一歩下がった視点から、愛を持って描きたい。

I paint oil paintings now, but previously I depicted women and the accompanying plants and animals in various media, including prints and watercolors.
The woman living with all her might amidst her personal troubles in difficult times, who wants to be beautiful but is faced with her own inner foolishness and folly, sighs at the fact that being beautiful is not enough.
The woman who, even still, keeps on living, believing there will be something to link to the next generation.
My goal is to paint this woman from a slightly removed perspective, and with love.
As an artist living in this age, I cannot escape the impact of the coronavirus.
In an even more chaotic social situation, the continued reassessing of our previous lifestyles and correct paths forward is becomes inevitable.
I want to continue making art from the perspective of reexamining the nature of humanity.

牧 弘子

2014年「途切れないように繋ぐ」(ギャラリーアートもりもと/ 東京)、2017年「深淵をのぞく」(ギャラリーアートもりもと/東京)、2019年「少しの歪みと幸福」(ギャラリーアートもりもと/東京)、「日本芸術センター絵画公募展受賞作家 牧弘子個展」(日本芸術会館 / 兵庫)個展開催。
2011年第5回ガレリア・レイノ大賞展 バニーコルアート賞、2017年第35回上野の森美術館大賞展入選など受賞多数。

Born in Fukuoka in 1987.
Completed Master’s Degree Program in Saga University (Graduate School of Education) in 2011.
Held solo exhibitions “To Connect for Not to Break” at Gallery Art Morimoto / Tokyo in 2014, “Gaze into the Abyss” at Gallery Art Morimoto / Tokyo in 2017, “Little Bit of Distortion and Happiness” at Gallery Art Morimoto / Tokyo, “Japan Art Center 9th Art Grandprix, Award-Winning Artist, Hiroko Maki” at Japan Art Forum / Hyogo in 2019.
Participated to numerous group exhibitions.
Won many prizes including Bonny Col Art Prize at the 5th Galeria Reino Grand Prize Exhibition in 2011, 35th Ueno Royal Museum Grand Prize Exhibition in 2017.

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