
MoMAにも永久収蔵され、世界のセレブが愛用する「スキンシリーズ」をはじめ、「皮膚」の概念を拡張し続ける服飾デザイナー廣川玉枝。そんな廣川が大分県別府市で新しい芸術祭『廣川玉枝 in BEPPU』をデザインする中で発見した「懐かしい未来」とは。ジャーナリスト林信行を聞き手に、その幅広いクリエイティブ活動に通底する考えや創作秘話を語る。

Tamae Hirokawa is a clothing designer who continues to expand the concept of “skin,” including the Skin Series, which is in the permanent collection of MoMA and used by celebrities around the world. What is the “nostalgic future” that Hirokawa discovered while designing the new art festival “TAMAE HIROKAWA in BEPPU” in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture? With journalist Nobuyuki Hayashi as an interviewer, Hirokawa talked about the ideas underlying her wide-ranging creative activities and the secret story behind her creations.

廣川玉枝 プロフィール

2006年ファッション、グラフィック、サウンド、ビジュアルデザインを手掛けるSOMA DESIGN設立。 同時にブランド『SOMARTA』を立ち上げ「東京コレクション」に参加。 身体における衣服の可能性をコンセプトにSkin Seriesを発表。 2014年個展「廣川玉枝展 身体の系譜」(西武渋谷 / 東京)開催。 2008年Canon「NEOREAL」展、トヨタ「iQ」、ヤマハ発動機「02GEN-Taurs」など企業コラボレーション多数。 2007年第25回毎日ファッション大賞新人賞・資生堂奨励賞、2018年Wired Audi Innovation Award受賞。 2017年MoMAに SOMARTAのシグネチャーアイテム『Skin Series ROBIN』収蔵。 2021年東京オリンピックの表彰台ジャケットをアシックスと共同開発。 同年、大分県別府市の招聘アーティストとして芸術祭『廣川玉枝 in BEPPU』を開催、市民とともに新たな祭を発表。

林信行 プロフィール


Tamae Hirokawa Profile

After working for Issey Miyake, be independent from 2006 and established SOMA DESIGN, a company that handles fashion, graphic, sound and visual design. At the same time, launched the brand SOMARTA and participated in the Tokyo Collection. Presented the Skin Series based on the concept of the possibilities of clothing on the body. Solo exhibition: 2014 “Tamae Hirokawa – Body Genealogy” Seibu Shibuya (Tokyo). Collaborated with Canon, Toyota, Yamaha Motor Design. Received 25th Mainichi Fashion Grand Prix New Face Award and Shiseido Encouragement Award in 2007. Collections: SOMARTA’s signature item “Skin Series”was acquired by Museum of Modern Art.

Nobuyuki ‘Nobi’  Hayashi Profile

Born in Tokyo in 1967. Journalist who covers design, technology, education, and traditions to be preserved for a better future under the theme of “values to be preserved in the 22nd century.”Works also to promote outstanding domestic creators and their works abroad. Started out as a technology journalist in 1990 and has written many books. After that, devoted himself to educating people about good design, believing that “technology alone is not enough to create a good future.”Served as a judge for several design competitions, including the Good Design Award. Recently, he has been focusing on covering contemporary art in order to find hints for the uncertain times. A visiting honorary professor of Kanazawa college of art from September 2022.

『ONBEAT vol.16』では動画にない話も含めて大特集!